Thursday, November 12, 2009

LSI Keywords and Links For Your Easy Quick Ways To Make Money Blog

ok, back again!

If you have gotten to this point and are following it by building your blog at the same time, I have to congratulate you! You are in the rare 5% of people who actually follow up on what they learn. Whether the information is free or not doesn't matter!

Less than 5% of people actually follow up on the information they receive! WOW!

So, that was your "AttaBoy" for the day! Your "pat on the back" shall we say. :)

All right, on to LSI keywords. LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. Yeah, but what does that mean in terms of a blog, in terms of why you want to use these LSI keywords in your blog?

Well, GOOGLE has decided that you should only have a certain percentage of your keyword phrase in your blog. If you have too many, you get penalized. If you have too few, you don't get ranked. I know, pain in the butt, but since we have to deal with it, we do the best we can. The way around using your exact keyword too many times is to use what Google calls LSI keywords.

Go back to the lessons you learned when you were researching your keyword. Remember that LIST of all the related keywords that dovetailed with the keyword you suggested to the adwords keyword tool? THOSE ARE LSI KEYWORDS! Easy, huh? I know, they try to make everything sound so difficult when it really isn't. (I told you I'd try to keep it simple)

Simple keyword plan:

1) Title of your blog should have the keyword (phrase) in it with whatever else makes sense. See how EACH post in this blog has my keyword phrase "easy quick ways to make money" on EVERY title, plus whatever else makes sense to that post? Doing this optimizes each post better.

2) The first paragraph and the last paragraph need to have your exact keyword phrase in them. (one time each)

3) IF you have lots of paragraphs, then one or two more of your exact keyword phrase can be added. If you have a short post, no more than the title, first and last paragraphs should contain your exact keyword phrase.

4) Apart from that, all other keywords should be LSI words!

NOTE: Without saying it in print, Google is telling you the order of relevance of LSI ranking by the order in which they list the LSI keywords. The LSI keywords at the top of the list are more important to them than the ones on the bottom. Try to fill in keywords throughout your posts (try to have them flow as naturally as possible) with the TOP LSI words instead of all the ones at the bottom. If you can't find a way to make a word/phrase flow naturally, then skip that word/phrase and move on to the next word. Yes, you want the most relevant (to Google) keywords to optimize your blog, but if you can't get them to sound good when it's being read, it's not worth it.

ok, so we covered keyword and LSI keyword optimization.

Anchor Text Links:

This one is a doozy because you can do so much with it. An anchor text link is a link that is usually underlined (but not always) and usually in blue (but not always, here they are orange). It is often an action link where the words that are showcased tell you to do something, usually "click here" or "go to". Here is an example of an anchor text link. The words shown say "an anchor text link", however, when you click on it, it goes to the program I am promoting in this blog! Yeah, cool, huh?

There is LOTS of cool stuff you can do with an anchor text link, although most of it is just using anchor text (what actually shows instead of which site it links to) to fit inside of a sentence hiding the true link it connects with.

The html code to do this is: WHATEVER YOU WANT YOUR ANCHOR TEXT TO SAY Hmmm, ok, every time I put something here, it shows the anchor text, not the code itself! :) Jokes on me! To see the code, go to the comment section connected with this post, I'll have the code there. If you can't find it, or I can't get it to stay as a code and not convert, send me an email at micsan07@gmail and I'll email it to you. It shouldn't convert on the email so you can see what the actual code is.

That's it! Oh, and your blog post setting has to be on the "edit html" setting when you are writing your post (top right hand corner of this post when you are typing it).

When I first started blogging and learned this little trick, I would just type away and get all my links in and then when I doublechecked what the post looked like (ALWAYS visit site to check that everything looks good and click on your own links to make sure they all open up where they are supposed to. IF your anchor text doesn't send the reader to the right spot, it's not worth having on your blog, always doublecheck and correct it if it doesn't work) and if I saw that my anchor text wasn't highlighted or I saw that the html coding hadn't converted to what I was supposed to see, it was usually one of two things.

1) I typed the code in wrong (watch for the < and >, if you get them transposed, it won't work) or

2) I wasn't in the edit html mode for the post.

ok, recap for this post, I gave you a guideline on how many exact keywords to use in your posts and I taught you what LSI keywords are all about and how to use them to optimize your blog to make more money. (if you notice, I just used the words "make more money" which is one of the LSI words for "easy quick ways to make money")

I also gave you the html code to place anchor text links inside of your blogs so you can advertise what you are promoting without being blatant about it. You should always try to make them flow as much as possible within your posts.

I think that's it for this post. Again, if I didn't explain something good enough or if I confused you, please post a comment or email me at micsan07@gmail (place the words "" in the subject line - I delete emails from people I don't know).

This is easy enough stuff that I don't want you to feel lost just because I didn't explain it well enough.

Next post is a little bit more on article writing which I mentioned in the previous post.

Till later, Folks,
(Your blogs are looking GREAT!)


  1. ok, here is the hmtl code for anchor text.

    Whatever You Want To Show Up

    Of course, where it says your domain name, put YOUR domain name - where you want the link to redirect to

    And the "whatever you want to show up" should be the word, phrase, or title that you want the reader to see (click here) is always a good one

  2. Folks,
    I'm not the most techie person alive, there has got to be a way to "uncode" this, but I don't know what it is.

    "to start the code, type"

    "then whatever you want the reader to see"

    "that closes the code"

    Email me, Folks, at and I should be able to send you the complete code that way. Sorry!
