Thursday, November 12, 2009

Article Hints For Easy Quick Ways To Make Money

Again, welcome back.

If you've been building up your blog in steps as you've been following this blog, your blog should be looking real good! Congratulations! It's not as hard as you thought, huh?

ok, article writing. I touched on article writing on an earlier post, but I didn't really go into it much except for how important it is to have links coming back from a high PR site like

Pretty much the same rules as your blog posts follow here. The article title should have your keyword/phrase in it. Your first and last paragraphs should also contain your exact keyword phrase, and all other keywords in your article should be the top listed LSI words connected with your exact keyword.

If you have more than a couple paragraphs, at least one more exact keyword phrase would be appropriate.

No fluff (don't just write to fill space, try to give real content), but lots of good information about your topic.

And, NEVER, EVER, place your links or advertise inside of the article. This information can only be inside your bio box.

Note For the Bio Box:

ok, I don't think I'm exaggerating the importance of having a good TITLE and a good BIO BOX.

If the reader doesn't like the title, you may not get the article read.

If the reader isn't interested in your bio box, they won't click to your promoted program, and there goes your hope of making money from that reader.

I'm going to give you an excellent example of a bio box, short and sweet, but it converts to clicks (which is money!)

Here it is:

Want To Know More?

Click Here for FREE Information Easy Ways To Make Money For Beginners

ok, I think that about completes this post. Next post are tips on what to put in your "labels box" (lower right of the post window where you type) for each post.

Congratulations on doing such a great job, Folks,


Hey, I just found another way to make money with your articles! If you're going to write them and send them in, why not make the most money from them, right?

Here it is:

Many people want to make millions on the Internet. Although it is possible, most people make much, much less. However, there are millions of people who have much more realistic goals. They just want to make a little extra spending money each month. If that's what you would like to do, you have come to the right place.

If you can write a 250 to 500-word article, you can make money every day, like I do. Using this technique, I make between $20 and $50 each month. I'll admit, you won't get rich using this method, but the extra money each and every month is very nice. I do this by submitting short 250 t0 500 word articles to a number of revenue sharing sites.

A revenue sharing site is similar to a traditional article directory site with one major difference. Traditional article directories post advertisements along with the articles that people submit. Every time a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the site makes money. These sites also post ads along with the articles that people submit, but they share the income that they make from their advertising.

If you are going to submit articles anyway, why not submit to sites that are willing to give you some of the money that they earn. I submit articles to both traditional directories and revenue sharing directories. You can submit the same article to many different directories.

The way to maximize the amount of money that you make with revenue sharing sites is to submit articles frequently. The more articles you have on a site, the more money you will make. I try to submit at least one article every day. I have over 60 articles on each of the sites and, as I said, I make at least $20 a month. As far as I know, there is no limit on the maximum number of articles you can submit. So, if you've written 20 articles in the past month, why not upload them to a few revenue sharing sites and start making some money.

The only requirement to use the Revenue Sharing Sites is that you need to have an account set up with Adsense. If you register with one of these sites and do not have an Adsense account, most of them have a link that allows you to register for Adsense.

For a comprehensive list of Revenue Sharing Sites:

Make Money Every Day!

Article Source:

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