Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Check Out My Replace My Job Now Blog!

A few days ago, I saw that Blog Maestro (a free blog platform) had closed its doors due to not being able to maintain its free blog platform status.

MY problem with that was that one of my older blogs, Replace My Job Now was on that platform! That blog was about a year old and I don't even know how many posts long and I hadn't backed it up since it was a baby blog! MY MISTAKE and please, learn from this so it doesn't happen to YOU! Back up your sites at least once a week so you don't lose all of your information!

Anyways, this week I restarted it on the blogger platform and have been adding a post a day. (and, yes, the original was backed up and I'll be backing up every week!)

I'll be going over some of the ways in which I make money on the internet (and off, also) and giving you step by step instructions on how to accomplish the same things that I've been able to do. Staying at home to work is one of the best things I've been able to accomplish in life and it gives you such a sense of pride and, yes, peace. Not having someone hound you every day, not having to commute, not having to deal with others that don't want to work or do their own jobs, it's so nice to not have to deal with that on a day to day basis like I used to. Whew! It's very nice!

So, if you are interested, head on over to Replace My Job Now and keep checking back in as I'll be posting pretty much every day as I want to build it back up to what it used to be. It won't have the age that the other one had, but I'll be putting as much good information in there as I can get to each day, OK?

Hope you all have a great day!

blogarama - the blog directory

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Get More Traffic By Registering with Feed Directories

Here is one Feed Directory to link to that will get you a great back link to your site AND get you more traffic at the same time.


It's called RSSmountain.com. Try it and see what happens to YOUR traffic.

First Page of Google With Short Xomba Posts

I've already posted one section on Xomba, but it really needs repeating! This site is just too much! Yes, you do need to optimize your article just a little bit (title, first paragraph, last line), however, almost ALL of my articles are getting on the FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE and almost half of them are at #1!!!!

This is huge! Just post half a dozen articles with optimized titles on the same niche and see your site's page rank shoot right up! You've got to try this!

And it doesn't cost you anything except for the time it takes to write a short ORIGINAL article! Don't cheat and use PLR, you'll get banned and you don't want that. Write something that is short, but make sure it has value!

Shoot me a post and let me know how you did!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Check Out My "Noise Reduction Headphone" Lens!

Actually, I'm telling you to check out my Noise Reduction Headphone lens, but I also have a 2nd lens that I'm selling at the same time, titled Pelican Paddleboat.

Both of these sites are fully optimized with products from Amazon and have AdSense on the page, also.

If you are interested, please email me at micsan07@gmail.com with the words "Interested in Buying Your Site" in the subject line.

Thanks, All,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Anyone Hear About Xomba For Easy Quick Ways To Make Money?

ok, heard about Xomba yesterday, however, if I would have done what the "guru" told me to do, I would have been banned immediately!!!!

Yeah, someone out to make some money, $137 EACH PERSON!, almost got me, but by holding off and checking it out first, I saved myself some money and frustration, AND got to learn how to do it the RIGHT WAY FOR FREE!!!!

Yeah, how great is that?

Anyways, I get newsletters from Tiffany Dow, who is practically the Squidoo Queen and tells it like it is. No hype or BS, just plain good information on how to help others achieve their goals.

If you want to head on over to the site, click on Xomba and read over the TOS and training pages. Basically, it's similar to the Squidoo site, you need to have ORIGINAL or UNIQUE content, NOT PLR or a copy/paste of something that is already published on the internet, ONLY affiliate links from Ebay or Amazon are accepted, and the normal stuff, no hate/porn/anti-USA stuff of any kind, ok?

Anyways, if you want to know how to do it right, here is Tiffany's blog page where she straight up tells you how to do this the RIGHT WAY and not get in trouble with the site.

I followed it to a T this morning (Thanks, Tiff) and not only am I on the first page of Google, but I got the #1 spot on google in 6 minutes!!!!! Is that a WOW, or what?

So head on over to Xomba and Tiffany's blog page and get cracking!

Set a goal to complete two Xomba sites a day and see how much money you'll be making within a month!

Have fun with it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Easy Quick Ways To Make Money Each Day

Yes, no matter what anyone tells you, there are Easy Quick Ways To Make Money For Beginners where you get income each day. It takes an "I don't quit" attitude and a consistent little bit of work EVERY DAY! Can you send out a few ads a day (there are lots of FREE ad sites out there so you can start with no money out of pocket! Just "Google" free advertising sites and start with those - don't forget Craigs List and Back Page)? Can you send out an article (250-500 words) or two out each week? Can you update your blog or Squidoo lens (BOTH FREE)(blogger.com and squidoo.com) a few times a week each?

That's pretty much all there is to it. Like I said, a little bit of consistent work each day and you'll soon be making some money each day. How much is up to you.

You DO get back what you put in, don't forget that.

If you only "work" an hour a week, don't expect a lot of money, if you put in more time than that, then your "pay" or "income" will become consistent with that.

You won't be a millionaire, but you can make additional money each month that you can put into your wallet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post here.

Monday, February 15, 2010

PLR Articles Anyone? Free Information on Articles PLR


ok, if you've been on the internet for any length of time, you've come across the term PLR - which is the acronym for Private Label Rights. When you get PLR, you are getting the right to change the item (it could be an article, an ebook, audio, dvd, etc.) in any way you need to AND then you can claim it with your own name.

PLR is a way to populate your website or blog quickly with quality content and not spends days or weeks writing the content by yourself.

For more information on how to make money using PLR, go to Articles PLR and get the scoop on this popular money making avenue.

Happy Posting, People!
As always, this site will never rent, give away, or sell any private information you may submit to this site.

And as per the new FTC Guidelines, I must inform you that MicSan Enterprises or Michelle Lacroix Toro may receive a commission from links that are contained within this post.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

PayPal Instant Pay Programs - Blog About It

As Featured On EzineArticles

ok, this is just a short post to throw out there that I HATE WAITING to get paid and I HATE CHECKS IN THE MAIL! I like to get paid immediately, don't you?

If you're like me, check this link out. . .

This Immediate Payment List of PayPal Programs is guaranteed to give you immediate payment straight to your PayPal account - No more waiting for that check in the mail or waiting until the end of the month to get all of your money at the same time.

Immediate payments mean just that . . You get PAID as soon as you make that sale! Wow, what a concept, huh? LOL

Check it out, Folks, I'm only signed up with a few and the results were immediate. Can you imagine if I signed up with a few dozen? How about 50? Did I remember to tell you that there are 208 Options here? Blows the mind, doesn't it?

Check it out!

"Some of the links contained in this blog may result in the payout of an affiliate commission to MicSan Enterprises or Michelle Lacroix Toro" Fellow bloggers, remember that the FTC rules have changed recently. Hope you have a similiar phrase on your sites!*****

Privacy Statement - I hate SPAM as much as you do! Any email addresses or personal information obtained here will never be given away, rented, or sold!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Articles on How To Make Easy Quick Money

ok, here are a few links to the Article Dashboard Directory, where I have been submitting some articles.

These are articles that I wrote to complement this blog. I hope you enjoy them.

Affiliate Marketing Is An Easy Quick Way To Make Money Online

Keeping A Work Schedule When You Work From Home Making Money Online