Friday, December 4, 2009

Promoting Your Affiliate Link For Easy Quick Ways to Make Money Online

In my last post, I went through the steps to pick a product that you can reasonably expect to make a profit from on a monthly basis. In this post, we'll be picking up from the last post and going through a few ways to promote, for free, your affiliate link.

First, you need to have your "hoplink" ready and available and a list of "keywords" that would describe the product or website that you will be promoting.

A very good place to get those keywords will be the product site you will be promoting. If you search for the term "Adwords keyword tool" you'll come to an ad or entry that you can click on to get to the Adwords keyword tool.

When your page loads, on the left hand side, you will see "How would you like to generate keyword ideas?" Under that, there will be two choices, "descriptive words or phrases" and "website content". You want to click on "website content".

In the middle of that page, you will see a space to type in the URL for the website you will be promoting. Place your hoplink there, check the "Include other pages on my site linked from this URL ", and click on "get keyword ideas".

It may take a minute or so to create a list, be patient.

Your list loads and you see a few pages of keywords that relate to the product you are promoting because they were found FROM THAT SITE! You can't miss with those keywords, they are definitely targeted towards the site you are promoting.

Now (hint, hint) Google is telling you the importance of the keywords you have there by the order they are in. Google is telling you in black and white that the keywords towards the top of the list are more important to them than the ones on the bottom, so the recommendation is to use a handful of the keywords that are placed on the top of that list to use in the ads you will be placing to promote the website.

OK, you have a link (your hoplink) and you have some highly targeted keywords. Now you need to go to a few advertising sites to promote your link.

I am going to recommend USfreeads as they are known to be "google friendly" and they have a free option. There are many, many other free advertising sites out there and I would recommend that you google "free advertising" and pick out 10-15 of them, sign up at their sites, and places free ads at each of them.

Don't forget places like BackPage and Craigslist, as there are TONS of people on those sites everyday looking for items.

You may want to sign up at a few traffic exchanges (known as TE's) - just google "traffic exchanges" and you will get a huge list to pick from. Again, you can sign up on those for free, you place YOUR site on their rotator and every time you view someone else's site, someone else will be viewing yours.

Technically, you are not spending money, but you are spending time, so you need to decide if these are for you or not.

Don't forget the importance of having a "signature file" on your emails. Place your name and your link telling your friends what you are promoting, you will get some clicks from people reading your emails.

There are lots of paid ways to advertise your site(s), but I really do recommend you getting your feet wet by using all the FREE ways you can find, because there are lots of them out there.

Happy Advertising!

Click HERE for Easy Quick Ways to Make Money For Beginners.

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